Welch takes us to Isaiah 6: 1-8
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Fear of the Lord
Welch takes us to Isaiah 6: 1-8
Monday, November 22, 2010
What Brings You Comfort?
Have you ever felt as if you're inside an emotional dark cave? You see the light. You know the path that leads to the light but no matter what you do, you can't seem to make any progress to the light? You're in emotional despair. If one more thing were to happen your cup would runneth over.
It was one of those days and it felt like I was in an emotional dark cave. So much was being thrown at me and I had decisions to make that weighed my heart and soul. Some of the decisions were being made for me but not necessarily the ones that I would of chosen or selected for my life. You know the truth and you seek the truth but its not giving you the answer YOU want. In this emotional state I actually told someone, "I wish God would speak to me. I wish the sky would open up and He would speak to me and tell me what to do."
Hours later at home when I was beginning to get ready for bed I glanced over at my nightstand and started looking at the stack of books that I have there. I have several stacks. Each stack has a different level of reading priority. As I glanced over the books (I read 3-4 books at one time...I am a glutton for punishment) they just didn't seem to fit where I was. I knew I had to study for that week's Bible study but I was in my cave. I saw Elyse Fitzpatrick's book, "Steadfast Love" in one of my stacks. I didn't really know what it was about but I grabbed it only because nothing else in my current reading stack seemed to fit the emotional dark cave I was in. As I opened the pages and began to read, His grace became so apparent to me. The words coming off the page were as if I was the one writing them.
Question 1. What is thy only comfort in life and death?
Answer: That I with body and soul, both in life and death, (a) am not my own, (b) but belong unto my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ; (c) who, with his precious blood, has fully satisfied for all my sins, (d) and delivered me from all the power of the devil; (e) and so preserves me (f) that without the will of my heavenly Father, not a hair can fall from my head; (g) yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation, (h) and therefore, by his Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life, (i) and makes me sincerely willing and ready, henceforth, to live unto him. (j)
This is what gives me comfort. This is what sheds light and grace on my soul.
What brings you comfort?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
God's Recipe
I began to venture out and cut out recipes out of magazines that would look and sound good. I loved trying new recipes on friends who would come over for dinner. We'd have friends over and my hubby would ask, "what are you making?" I'd share the fact that I was making a new recipe. The look on his face would be classic. Shock and freight is the mixture I would see on his face. Little did my husband know at that time, I follow directions well.
The last few weeks I've been overwhelmed with this reoccurring message that I see, hear and experience in my Christian life and in the lives I interact with. Do we look at your faith and walk with the Lord like a "recipe"? Is there a list of "ingredients" that you put apply to your life that you feel will result in godliness, righteousness and/or to be pleasing to God? Does this ingredient give you an end result that is pleasing to God? Maybe you don't see it in your life but you look at others from a far and believe if you do the same as they do, this "ingredient" will give you the result that you're seeking for your Christian life.
I remember being in a parenting class with my husband when our first son was under a year old. This parenting class was to prepare us for toddler life. The teachers were talking about the everyday items around the house that you should or not should not allow your children to play with so that when you'd be in someone else's home your child wouldn't think it was a toy. The teachers recommend that you as parents needed to decide what those items were for our individual families because we all would have different preferences. A young father raised his hand and asked, "do you have a list of items for us?" The teachers reiterated that each family needed to figure that out for their family because it's different for each family. The struggle on his face was evident. He wanted a list!
Our flesh fights and yearns for a list of "ingredients" that guarantee us assurance with our God. If we just do these things and apply these actions we are right with God and assured acceptance from Him. This is a lie.
One of the boy's friends was over recently and he asked me a question that lead me to recite to him Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one can boast." It hit me like a ton of bricks...the word "grace" came alive. "Grace" is an undeserved gift; free gift. I can't do anything to gain or attain my faith. Its a free gift from God. No works! I said, NO works I can do. No ingredient or action I apply to my life will obtain faith or favor. It's all God and none of me. That's because so I can't boast or breed pride.
Matthew 22:36 40 "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two depend all the Law and the Prophets."
The Pharisees knew Scripture. They were under the assumption that they had their spiritual life in order and were right with God. They had long list of ingredients that they did and applied everyday but God's recipe wasn't about the ingredients they applied, it was about their hearts. It was about what their hearts yearned and loved. What do you love? What consumes your heart? Love for God? Love for people?
My pastor has been in Romans on Sunday mornings and I continue to see how God used the Law to show the Israelites their need for the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE because they couldn't keep the Law. God doesn't care about what you do....He cares about what you love and is it HIM!? If you love Him what you do follows and it produces godliness. Doing doesn't produce godliness, loving the Creator and who He is in Christ with all your heart, mind, soul and strength does.
John MacArthur says this in his message, "The Glory of the Lord", "In the temple and in the tabernacle, there were no seats. You read the description of the tabernacle, you read the description of the temple, there were no seats nowhere. Why? Because a priest never finished and so he never sat down. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice by the millions and they never sat down because it never ever was a finished work. Jesus made one sacrifice and when it was finished He sat down. He sat down. It was over. There was nothing more to do. He finished and sat down. Hebrews 10:12, what a great verse, 'But this man....that is Christ...after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.' He sat down because HE was finished."
Sister, no need to work any longer. Christ finished the work. God doesn't need our work. He completed it on the cross. What He wants is our hearts. What He wants is your life. What He wants is ALL of your love. Be consumed with what you love more than Him, not what you do for Him. Your love for Him will consume what you do for Him.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Whom Do I Fear?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
In the Desert.....
I've often thought about Moses and how he spent 40 years in the desert in Midian before the Lord called him to his ministry of leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
Moses lived in Pharaoh's digs for 40 years. He lived in the lap of luxury for his first forty years of life. He was at the top of his game. Was it enough for him? Acts 7:23 tells us, "But when he was approaching the age of forty it entered his mind to visit his brethren the sons of Israel." Was he curious how life was on the other side? Did they know or have something that he was missing as a prince of Egypt? His excursion lead to the death of an Egyptian by his own hands. (Exodus 2:15) He tasted injustice in the life of an Israelite and intervened. He had a heart even than for his people. He yearned for justice but it ended in a way that wasn't in his plan.....so he ran. He ran into the desert and fled from his life that he knew. Escaping the consequences of his actions. He was able to start anew. His life looked and felt very different from what he knew to be true in Egypt. His fresh start on life was at the bottom of the totem pole as a shepherd in the desert. Not a shepherd of his own flock but even a notch lower working as a shepherd watching someone elses flock.
I don't know first hand what its like to be a shepherd in the desert outside of Egypt but I can imagine what it might of been....long hot days and frigid cold nights alone. Watching, waiting, on guard for predators, decision making that effects your flock.....but the loudest and prominent occurrences is the long periods of time of silence on the outside but how you hear your thoughts arguing with your heart in the inside.
We all experience time in the desert. Whether you like to admit it or not. Like I said before, all our deserts may look different but I think they all are the same. It's what we do and think about when we're in the desert that determines how we come out. What do you feed yourself when you're in the desert? Do you feed yourself TRUTH or do you feed yourself the lies of your thoughts and regrets? The times in the desert are barren and no where else to run but to dig deep into your heart and see what is there. You figure out that you have nothing and nothing to give but yourself which is your soul. You can look back and remember the high life and live the life of regret or you can look around and see how God carried you there to the desert to meet Him. His glory is there in the desert. Do you see it?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Undefiled Religion


Shanley was brought to tears on how quickly someone responded to sponsor this little girl. I quickly had questions too. Can I get a picture of her? Can we write letters to her? I want her to know that she's not alone and that someone does care. Not just me but Jesus cares! I was told that I cannot communicate with her. They want the locals to know that their needs are being provided by the local church in Bombo not by some American. I will be sponsoring her through Align Ministries.
One of Shanley's observations of being in Bombo is that the believer's faith is so basic. "Childlike" would be an appropriate word for it. They believe in the simple terms of faith. They just BELIEVE.
Matthew 18: 1- 5
"At the time the disciples came to Jesus and said, "Who than is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. "Whoever than humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me;"
Whether you are a believer or not, what hill are you willing to die on to make your point OR why you believe or more importantly why don't you believe? God calls you to "humble" yourself. What does that mean to humble yourself? Definition of humble - "to lower your pride or arrogance; to reduce your self sufficiently of; to make meek and submissive." Being stripped of everything you hold dear will make you experience humility quickly. Humility in any form will teach you what you hold close or better yet what you TRUST. What have you lost that you will fight with all your might to win it back? When events or situations in your life aren't going the way you thought or liked, what are you most upset about? That is where you will find your first love, what you trust and what you hope in. Who or what is it? Do you know? Why do we complicate life with all our STUFF? If you were in Bombo, Africa living in a hut with no food and riddled with sores all over your body with a disease given to you by your parents who are no longer are with you....what would you hold dear? Would you be able to say, "I love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength?" They do. What do they have that we don't? An undefiled religion? They have nothing to give BUT their soul. What will it take for us to give up our idols and just humble ourselves to BELIEVE with "childlike" faith?
The next day I received a picture of Safina. She is so beautiful. We will more than likely never meet or know each other. Her picture will be in my home like there are of my boys. I will provide her with support but also my love & prayers. All she knows is that the church is providing for her....BUT I know she's the little girl God gave me to take care for. My daughter ...SAFINA.
Monday, July 12, 2010
As we all climbed in at 8am and backed out of the driveway we found out the topic of the series of the week, "Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage." This morning sermon began in the book of Hosea. Hosea wasn't an Old Testament book that I knew very much about nor did I ever really hear anyone preach out of this Old Testament book. It instantly captured my interested to hear about Hosea and how this related to marriage, divorce & remarriage.
Hosea was a prophet. Hosea's ministry was from 755 - 710 B.C. His career spanned the last 6 kings of Israel. God called Hosea to marry Gomer.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Relationships - Live With Them or Without Them?
I am an only child and from a young age relationship/friendships have always been very important to me. I vividly remember as a young girl that I would put friends first before anything else in my life.
When relationships are good and enjoyable we can say, "can't live without them!" But when they are not going so good is when we say, "can't live with them!" I began reading Paul David Tripp's book, "Relationship - A Mess Worth Making", several weeks ago when I could easily say that I could live with them. As I began reading God was faithful to stir my pot of life and my relationships to show me where my relationships were in the priority list of life. I'm pretty sure we can all say that in all our relationships we will have some degree of disappointments. Tripp writes, " It is clear to you that no relationship ever delivers what you dreamt it could. Your fantasy collides with reality, and reality bites!" Tripp takes the old cliche' and says it this way, "Some of our deepest and most painful hurts have been in relationships. There are times when we wish we could live alone and other times when we are glad we don't."
What I am learning is that I put too much stock in my earthly relationships to dictate my daily emotions or temperature of my attitude. Tripp says, "in the messiness of relationships is that our hearts are revealed, our weaknesses are exposed, and we start coming to the end of ourselves. Only when this happens do we reach out for the help God alone can provide. Weak and needy people finding their hope in Christ's grace are what mark a mature relationship." Tripp continues with, "the very thing we would naturally seek to avoid is what God has chosen to use to make us more like HIM."
This is the part of the book that hit me to the core....
"Each of us is tempted to make relationships the end rather than the means. The primary relationship Adam and Eve were intended to enjoy was their relationship with God. This vertical communion with God would provide the foundation for the horizontal community they were to have with each other. Everything God made pointed Adam and Eve to the primacy of their relationship with Him. All of creation was to function as an arrow pointing to God. But in our sin we tend to treat people and creation as more important. The very things God created to reveal His glory become instead the glory we desire. This is where we see, with C.S. Lewis, that our desires are too weak, not too strong. We settle for the relationships when they were meant to point us to the perfect relational satisfaction found only with God. The irony is that when we reverse the order and elevate creation above Creator, we destroy the relationships God intended - and would have enabled - us to enjoy."
A few years back I renewed my purpose and told God that He was enough. Since than He has been faithful and merciful with me to use the circumstances in my life to show me and purify me so that I can truthfully and honestly say with a pure heart say, "Lord you are enough!"
Psalm 73: 25-26
Are your relationships there to serve you? Or to serve HIM? May we all be able to say like the Psalmist, "besides GOD, I desire nothing on earth."
Friday, April 2, 2010
Which Thief Are You?
Luke 23: 33-43
"When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. But Jesus was saying, 'Father, forgive them; for they don not know what they are doing.' And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves. And the people stood by, looking on. And even the rulers were sneering at Him, saying, 'He saved others; let Him save Himself if this is the Christ of God, His Chosen One.' The soldiers also mocked Him, coming up to Him, offering Him sour wine, and saying, 'If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself!' Now there was also an inscription above Him, "This IS THE KING OF THE JEWS."
One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, 'Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!' But the other answered, and rebuking him said, 'Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.' And he was saying, 'Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!' And He said to him, 'Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.'"
I don't know exactly when or how but the older I get I realize how much less its me in my faith and more God. I realize how much of a sinner I am and how much I don't deserve the gift of salvation which drives me to my knees in humility and make me thank God for the price He paid on the cross for my sins so that I may have eternal life. In other gospels it depicts that both criminals are hurling abuses at Christ. Its commentated that the one began with abuse and after time realized who he was being crucified next to... "God". I have had years to come to this realization when one of the thieves came to this conclusion within hours to realize his depravity and his need for a Saviour.
The two thieves are examples for us of two different types of people in the world. The unbeliever who is blind to their their sin. Who hurls accusations at God with anger of why their life has turned out the way it has and for God to take them out of their dreadful situation ("Save yourself and us!")even though it was a consequence of their sinful life.
Than we have the other person who realizes that when they compare their life next to God's that they are a sinner in need of a Saviour and with only the sacrifice of the Saviour will they inherit eternal life.
Being that today is Good Friday, the day Christ was crucified, may we be reflective as we go into the Easter weekend that it wouldn't be just a time of eating chocolate bunnies and coloring hard boiled eggs BUT it would be a time of reflection of what Christ did for you so that He can say to you, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."
Which thief are you?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A Table In the Wilderness
I have been married 17 years and the majority of my marriage, 14 of the 17 years, we have been self-employed. Being self-employed you always have a sense and know where your provisions come from. More times than not you can see God's hand in bringing provision to you and your family.
Psalm 78 is a depiction of what God did for the Israelites in the desert in the book of Exodus. The psalmist was writing to use the history of Israel to show and teach the graciousness of God even in spite of their ancestors' rebellion and ingratitude.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My Hope is in Him
I grew up in Southern California and as a young girl learned to play and swim in the ocean. When you are closer to the shore you can jump over the waves or you can turn your back and let your back take the brunt of the wave. As you feel more confident you venture out farther into the ocean and realize that I can't jump nor turn my back to the wave but I need to make a "judgment call" and figure out what to do next so the impact of the wave doesn't hurt. You desperately try and analyze the situation and these are your choices....a) you can decide to either swim under the wave b) try to swim fast enough to get over the wave before it breaks or c) swim with the wave and ride it the shore. Most of the time you can be out in the ocean and be able to judge the waves and make accurate decisions BUT there are some times when your decision isn't so clear and you make a decision that hurts.....you swim and you swim to make it before the wave breaks but you're too late and you dive into the white water and the tumbling begins. The strength and the power of the wave hits you and it hits you hard.... to the point where it slams you into the sand and than you start to tumble and you don't know which way is up and before you know it another wave hits you before you can take another breath. Sometimes panic starts to set in and you wonder if you'll ever be able to get out of water and come to the top to take a breath ....a breath of relief from the waves that keep hitting you.
I think the Psalmist of Psalm 42 knew what it was like to swim in the ocean of life and know what it was like to try and swim fast enough to not get caught in the white water.
"Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him
Monday, February 22, 2010
Eve is my Sista
We are more evolved than she could ever be with our college degrees, life experiences or even street smarts. If we were given the chance we wouldn't of fallen for the lie that the Serpent gave her. No, we never would of fallen for his tricks!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What is Your One Thing?
A break of silence and than a question came, "Mom if you could do anything in the whole world what would you do?" I really had to think ...there was a long pause in the car. "Let me think about that Noah."
I have a question for you....What is your One Thing? Paul David Tripp posts this question in his book, "A Shelter in the Time of Storm". Paul David Tripp asks, What is the the one thing that your heart craves? What is the one thing that you think would change your life? What is the one thing that you look to for satisfaction, contentment, or peace? What is the one thing that fills your daydreams and commands your sleepy meditations?
Matthew 6:21 says, "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Paul David Tripp states, "The spiritual reality for many of us is that the one thing is not the Lord. And the danger in that reality is this: your one thing will control your heart, and whatever controls your heart will exercise inescapable influence over your words, choices, and actions. Your one thing will become that which shapes and directs your responses of the situations and relationships of your daily life. If the Lord isn't your one thing, the thing that is your one thing will be your functional lord.
Here is what you say to yourself when something is your one thing: 'Life has meaning and I have worth only if I have _____________ in my life.' The problem is that the one-thing catalog is virtually endless."
What do you think is on this endless list...let's see! Power, Approval, Comfort, Image, Control, Dependence (someone there to keep you safe), Independence, Inclusion (if a particular social or professional group lets me into their inner ring), Achievement, Prosperity, Work, Religion (if I'm adhering to my religion's codes and accomplished in its activities), Irreligious (totally independent of organized religion and have a self made morality), A person, Family, Helping & Suffering.
Paul David Tripp shares, "in every situation and relationship of your everyday life, there is one-thing war being fought on the turf of your heart. You and I are safe only when the Lord really is the one thing that commands our hearts and controls our actions. There are many things that compete with HIM as the one thing that your heart craves."
As we came around the corner of our home, Noah couldn't stand the silence any longer and had to tell me the answer to his question for him. "Mom, I would invent wings like a bird so I could fly!" I didn't come up with an answer to Noah's question. I wished that I could of answered like King David did in Psalm 27:4, "One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple." King David was known as a man after God's own heart. We know that he wasn't a perfect man by no means but the one thing that he did know and kept in the right perspective was that he was a sinner in need of a His God. He had the right perspective of who he was and who God is. I hope that one day I would be known as a "Woman after God's own heart." Until than I will fight the idols that wage war after my heart and seek after the One Thing - Jesus My Groom.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It was like no other Sunday. I was sitting there with my hubby and my three boys at church and I open the church bullentin. Posted was the RESOLVED conference with dates and "needed one more van and adult chaperone." What is this RESOLVED conference and what is it about? Ok...its a college conference and its in Palm Springs,CA. I thought to myself I would love to get away for a few days in Palm Springs. I thought I could take Benjamin my oldest (13 years old at the time), be a chaperone and drive my van. Easy! I lean over to show the bullentin to my hubby and ask, "Can I go to RESOLVED? They need a chaperone and a van. I'll take Benjamin too...what do you think?" A nod of the head and the decision was made. I am going to RESOLVED 08' in 2 weeks.
7:30 am Friday morning we met at church. We're on the road by 8:30am. A car full of young adults. What can I say...but we were having a blast. I was getting to know them and they were getting to know me. Within our 10 hour drive we had nicknames for each other and the van. I had fallen in love with the kids in my car and adopted them all before we even got to Southern California.
We arrived into Palm Springs with not much time to spare. We checked into the hotel to just grab our room keys and throw our bags in the room and than we were off to the Palm Springs Convention Center.
The meeting room's lights were dimming and music was beginning to play. We didn't have the greatest seats but it seemed like no seat was actually a bad seat. The room went dark and the video began. It was a video with a a man standing in the desert and he picks up a SOLD sign out of the ground and throws it and begins to run into the empty field. He's running and running into the desert field. Music is playing and he stops in the middle of this waste land of a desert and starts to dig into the sand. Digging and digging like he was searching for something he'd lost. The video was depicting Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. The treasure is his salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Tears started to well up. The conference begins. The speaker that night, Rick Holland, introduces us to Jonathon Edwards. He was 19 years old when he wrote 70 Resolutions. Resolutions that he live by. He shared with us Resolution #7 "Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life." RESOLVED 08 topic was on Heaven & Hell.
They dismissed us for the night and I asked some of the kids if they wanted to meet some of my friends that were there. I took 4 or 5 of them to the front and on my way there I see a friend of mine that I didn't expect to see from my home church in LA. We hugged and I introduced her to the kids that were with me and she says to them, "I remember her when she was your age?" As I look behind me to look at their response, it hits me! A blink of an eye ago I was them. It was just yesturday that I was in their shoes.
When I was their age, I left everything I had and put my clothes in garbage bags and left my life of sin. I left my boyfriend and all I knew on a Friday and on that Sunday I was at church. I was done believing and living the lies of the world. I wanted the treasure that was buried in that field. My groom and my treasure....Jesus Christ!I remember it vividly ...I prayed and committed to my Groom that He was my "first love."
There wasn't a speaker that I didn't like. I can't remember who said it but one of them said, "you might spend 70 years here on earth but you will spend an eternity somewhere. Where will you spend eternity?" Death was a reality in my life. My mother in law had taken her life just a few months prior. I got to witness first hand what a person does who puts their hope and trust in this world.
I could give you a long list of how RESOLVED impacted me but most of all God used it to show me that I had become "lukewarm" and I had allowed the idols of this world get in the way of my "first love." I want to serve my Groom with my life. We don't know how long we are here for? So I will take on Resolution #7 - "Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life."
So come with me as I go to the desert, like Moses, to meet God and see Him face to face. Go with me up to the mountain, take off your sandels and ask God to reveal His glory. He will put you in the cleft of the rock as He did me and He will put His hand over you and reveal His glory.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Why Oh Why?
I am convinced that God gives you seasons in life for a reason. Each season has so much to learn in itself. God is so gracious to us by giving us different seasons for different lessons.
The season I was in 11 years ago was being a mom of a 3 year old boy and 6 month old boy. It's a time in your life where taking a shower and getting just a couple of your "to-do's" done is a great day. It's a time in your life when you look forward to a lunch date at McDonald's playground so you can get some adult conversation in with your girlfriend. You have friends but because time is so lean in this season having quality time with many friends is not a reality unless you make the time.
This day 11 years ago I made the time. I had a girl's night out with my friend Julie. We both had to make sure it was after our children's bedtime so we could have uninterrupted time to talk. My husband was home and holding down the fort so I could go have girl's night. Julie made sure by the time I arrived her boys were in bed and asleep. We had so much to cover in so little time.
As I drove to my friend's house I began to pray. Praying that the Lord would give me wisdom. Praying that the Lord would give me words of encouragement. Praying that I would be there to minister to her and her needs. I so desperately wanted my friend to know that she was supported & loved by me.
When I arrived we got right to talking and getting caught up in what was going on in my friend's life. I couldn't get a word in edge wise but that was okay because I hadn't seen my friend filled with so much joy and excitement in such a long time. My friend began to tell me about this Women's retreat she went on and how the pastor of the church spoke to these ladies and shared Isaiah 54:5 with them. "For the your husband is your Maker, Whose name is the Lord of hosts; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth." The pastor shared and exhorted these women to make their groom...their first love their Maker. Their true husband is their God. I began to tear up as I heard the joy and excitement of my friend as she realized through this experience that she had all she needed ...her "Eternal Groom!"
You may be thinking to yourself ...is this such an epiphany? What you don't realize is that my friend was a widow in her late 20's with a 3 year old boy and a baby boy of only a few months. She received a knock on her door at 5am a few months prior to find out that her husband had died in a fire he was trying to put out as a firefighter. At the news of his death her youngest son was only 2 weeks old.
God had a different purpose for me that night. My purpose was to minister to my friend but God's purpose was for ME to be ministered to by my friend. I could see how the Lord had given her HIS grace for all her needs. She was glowing like Moses who had seen God and experienced His glory.
Its been 11 years since that night and I cannot tell you the countless times that I have gone back to that moment in time and have asked myself..."Who is your Groom?" When my husband hadn't met my needs the way I think he should or isn't loving me the way I think he should of think of Julie. When life takes a turn that wasn't expected or wanted...I can hear my friend's voice saying, "Who is your Groom?"
My groom is the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is my eternal Groom. I have an earthly groom but its my eternal Groom who doesn't disappoint. See my Eternal Groom loved me so much that He died for me so that I may have eternal life.
So I ask...Who is your Groom?